Dateline October 15, 2020

This year we have had to adjust to the changes that the Covid virus brings to all of us.  Our last team for this year left in the middle of March.   In Honduras, all public transportation has been shut down, all schools are still closed and unlike the US we still have many restrictions on shopping and other activities.

At Promise Home, despite our best efforts to avoid the Covid virus, half of our staff and children were infected with it.  Fortunately, no one ever felt sick from the virus.

Our After School Program was put on hold in March and continues to stay on hold.  Each month we provide the forty-four families in the program, a care package that has food and supplies to help their families cope with the high unemployment in our area.

Since the schools are closed, we are home schooling our children.

Adela is teaching the Sunday morning devotionals.

We had Oscar’s kindergarten graduation party this month since the schools were closed in May.

Just like you, our tias have gotten creative to keep our children active.

We have great birthday parties,

talent shows,

and pool parties!

We know that everyone has been impacted by the Covid virus, so we really appreciate your continued prayers and support.

We have monthly expenses in caring for and feeding the children and staff here.  We are especially thankful for those of you who contribute financially to our ministry.  Please prayerfully consider Promise Home Honduras as you participate in the work of Jesus and His saving grace.

Would you like to donate? Just click on the donate button in the upper right column. Thank you!

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